About Us >

Our Mission

Loving God.

Loving People.

Living Life.

That's our motto here. It's what we strive to do and help others do. Our main aim in life is to glorify God and live out the two greatest commandments (Matt. 22:36-40). The way we go about doing this is simple. We make much of God by aiding others in recognizing the glory and wonder of our God so that they treasure Him above all else. This is what Jesus commanded us to devote our entire lives to in Matthew 28:19-20. So, as we go through life, in any circumstances we are to bend our influence to the goal of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of our God.

We're called to be more than just a church attender. We're called to be disciples of Jesus. And a disciple is someone that is trained in the faith to the point where they can train others as well. So we're called to be disciple-maker. That's the very best way we can love God, love people, and live life.